Sunday, August 26, 2018

Finding Finding

Leih hou

This week has been a lot of finding! We did a good job of finding. Normally the hardest part is stopping people that have interest but this week we stopped a lot of people that had genuine interest but the hard part was then scheduling them. For some reason everyone just couldn't meet with us and it was making me and my companion a little frustrated because when we contact them on the street they have interest in meeting with us but then when we try to schedule them they all the sudden can't schedule. 

We also met with Sam who said his parents want to move his baptismal date to after he finish studying which is next year. But Sam still wants to be baptized. He gave us his mom's phone number to call her and explain our selves because his mom thinks we are evil. It is cool to see Sam's desire to get baptized. and it is funny that so many people here they like white people but then when they see us missionaries in the white shirts and name tags they think we are evil haha. 

We had a water activity after our kids english class at our chapel so it was really fun to have a water fight because the weather here is too dang hot every single day. And it was fun throwing water balloons with the little kids haha. 

This week Elder Evans called for like a surprise mission conference and everyone thought he was going to get mad at the missionaries , but he actually just wanted to share his thoughts about how important the book of Mormon was and it was super cool because the Book of Mormon is the way to know the truth. From that moment I just received another witness that the book of Mormon is true. 

This Sunday there was also a baptism and Lam was able to invite her mom to it which was a HUGE step in her progress because the only thing holding her back is her mom thinking that we are evil. And I talked to her mom about the baptism and she said it was super special so I think in time Lam will be baptized haha. 

That is pretty much it! 

Elder Gu 
Here are a few pictures from the baptism and the water fight. I love the painting of Jesus and the little Chinese kids. It is super cool.

Week 53


This week has been a good week. We had a dead line to get all of our investigators and other people's records into the online area book on our phones by today so we had to spend a lot of time to do that which sucked and was way boring. But we did it finally. So we didn't have much time to go finding. 

Last Pday we went to Big Buddha with my companion and a bunch of other missionaries from his country. It was pretty cool to see them. They are all super nice and all good guys! 

We started doing a service project with the Kwun Tong Elders at this home for disabled people. It was super fun. We just performed for them and they made us dance and it was fun! 

Sam who is going to get baptized on the 2nd of September is doing well. He wants to get baptized but his parents don't fully agree with his decision so we are going to see if we can meet with his parents and introduce ourselves because I think she thinks we are an evil church. 

Everyone else is doing fine. I don't have too much time to email this week so this is a bit short. 

Elder Gubler  

Sunday, August 12, 2018

1 Year


This week has been good. We moved apartments to Kwun Tong and we live above a huge street market that smells like crap ha ha. We walked through the street market and we saw this old man with a gun smoking and he just was holding a cage with a bunch of rats in it. Then he sets the cage down and starts shooting the rats in it and then me and my companion started cheering for him and he looks at us and runs away haha. It was pretty funny but I think that that describes how gross the street market is that we live above. 

This week was also pretty cool because the other Ngau Tau Kok Elders have an investigator that is super good friends with our investigator named Lam. They both want to get baptized but their parents want them to investigate super slowly but this week was a miracle because the other elders investigator's mom is allowing her to be baptized and she immediately told our Lam and now Lam is really pushing to be baptized. I think this is really good progress. 

Our other investigator named Sam, we taught him the word of wisdom and then extended a baptismal date of August 26 to him and he accepted. He is super happy to be baptized! He is really nice kid! He is 18 years old and is just really sweet! He was pretty happy at church the other day!

This week has been pretty ok because I have been sick these last few days. But I think I will get better. 

That is all! I would love to hear from you all. 

Elder Gubler 

 Super good donuts that we bought.
 An evening view of Hong Kong.
Some random people dressed up like cartoon characters.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Transfer Calls

So this weeks big news was transfer calls that we got on Saturday night. I stayed with my companion Elder Delabahan. But, like pretty much everyone else in the mission moved. It was crazy. One of the British Elders in my apartment will move to Macau which is super sad because he is super chill and is fun to have around. And the other news was that our apartment is moving to the Kwun Tong apartment. And I have heard that the Kwun Tong apartment is one of the worst in all of Hong Kong because it is right above some stinky street market that smells like crap and then the apartment has a lot of cock roaches. So I am not excited to move there.

This week we taught a lot about he sacrament relating it to baptism and the atonement. Then we invited all these people to come partake of the sacrament and think about baptism and the atonement. And this week at church we got 7 people at church which made us super happy! 

This week for Pday we also went to some library that Elder Siddoway made us go to haha. It sounded like it would be cool but then it just ended up being a library that we couldn't even read books too. haha so we just walked around a mall together haha. 

This week we went finding a lot it felt like. We talked to a lot of people which was good. My companion likes to tell people on the street that he just barely came to Hong Kong and wants to learn Chinese and this is a pretty good way to stop people to start talking to us. My companion has only been in Hong Kong for 4 months and his Cantonese has improved a lot which is super good! 

After that not much else happened this week.

I would love to hear from all of you! 

Elder Gubler  
Me and Elders Siddoway, Lutkin and Carter for Pday
 Me getting a very close haircut.
Our district meeting with our fearless district leader (Elder Lutkin who is going to Macau and I will be super sad about).
Pizza Hut! A member bought us Pizza Hut because we helped him move out old book shelves from his house.
Just a normal building that we are in the middle of. Hong Kong has these all over and they all have like 30-40 floors with 25 rooms on each floor so there are a ton of people in each building.

Some of the people we met with.