Sunday, December 30, 2018

Merry Christmas!


So this week was very cool because we were able to Skype our families. And what made it cooler is that our RC, Dor Dor, let me use her iPad and her own data to Skype my family. And it was super cool to introduce her to my family. After the calls she was very happy to have gotten to know my family and my companion's family.  

We also had a whole mission Christmas devotional. Which was super cool to meet in Wan Chai and to have a whole mission conference and games after. 

We also had our ward's Christmas party on the 26 and we performed a song with Vanessa which was super fun! Vanessa is super good at singing so she just made me and my companion sound really really bad haha. But it was fun. 

We also walked around the temple with Dor Dor and a girl from mainland who didn't speak Cantonese or English but she was about to leave for her mission. She just wanted to come with us to walk around the temple. 

We met a kid named Angus who is going to be baptized on the 27 of January which is super cool. And Vanessa's baptismal date will be moved to January because she talked to her parents about it and her parents kind of got mad at her but Vanessa wants to get baptized. So we told her her parents just really love her and that they might be afraid that their daughter is growing up. So we just encouraged her to keep loving her family even though she was a little frustrated with her parents for not understanding why she wants to be baptized. 

Other than that nothing much happened. 

Elder Gu
 This is Qing Li she is going to California on her mission.
  A cool Christmas picture
 Our performance with Vanessa haha.
 Members from my Yuen Long ward that I saw.
 Brother Wong whom we baptized 2 months ago and took him out finding with us.
 Dinner with a member family.  So good!
 We were playing with some kids that were friends of our member who gave a referral to us missionaries (characters say "France, England, America and Canada" since that is where all the missionaries are from.)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Merry Christmas!

This week has been full of very cool miracles! So to start it off, earlier this week we were invited to go teach a lesson with our investigator Dor Dor at the temple with President and Sister Phillips. She was going to get baptized that Sunday. So, we taught her that the next step after baptism was preparing for the temple. And it was super cool. Sister Phillips made some chili which was super good I haven't had it in so long! Dor Dor loved the chili and keeps asking me about when i can get the recipe from the Phillips. 

Dor Dor also this Sunday got baptized!!! She was super nervous that I would "drowned" her in the baptismal font hahaha but she was just joking with me. It was super cool and her testimony after was also really nice. The first time we met her was on my birthday in October and she explained the whole process she went through from that point until now and it was super cool to hear it from her perspective. 

Vanessa also talked to her parents about baptism. They got in an argument and we don't want to ruin her family relationship haha. So we told her we could move her baptismal date back and she said she wanted to keep it for now because she wants to talk to her parents again. She is super solid! 

We will be having a big mission conference on the 26th. It's an all day thing for the whole mission which will be super cool. 

We also got invited over to our Bishops house for dinner. It was super good and they have such a solid family. The bishop was really really impressed with the work that we have been doing. So it was really nice to be talking with him about that because normally he is really busy working. 

That is pretty much it. 

Elder Gubler
 The meal we had with the mission president and our investigator haha
 Dor Dor at her baptism!
An after baptism picture haha a member was painting the nails of everyone so we all got our nails painted.
 Another baptismal picture because there were 2 baptisms on Sunday and it was all super cool!
 A picture of our investigators kids. They are super cute.
 Our Christmas picture!
 At our Bishop's house.
 More Christmas pictures with Dor Dor.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Glasses and Dor Dor!!


So this week I picked up my new glasses. Which is super weird because I have never had to wear glasses before haha. My left eye is worse than my right eye so my glasses have like tailored prescriptions for each eye. So that is a little weird. But I bought glasses that are more trendy in Hong Kong so they are more of a circular shape. 

This week at we taught Dor Dor a very powerful lesson on tithing because Dor Dor she is pretty poor and lives in her dad's storage unit which is only big enough for half a bed and a toilet. However we had our first counselor there to help us and we resolved her problems. She is super solid now and on Sunday she met with our bishop and is preparing to be baptized next Sunday. She asked me to baptize her which is super cool. I have been here when we first started teaching her and it has been super cool to see her grow. She is also super nice and welcoming. She bought me a very nice crucifix necklace for my birthday when we first started teaching her and she is always giving us little gifts for Christmas. 

Vanessa is doing super well too. She has been praying for the perfect time to ask her parents to be baptized. So this week we will be telling her about acting on her faith for the Lord to preform miracles. She will have to ask her parents with faith in the Lord to have the Lord preform the miracle of softening her parents hearts. I am super excited for her. I think that she will be baptized on the 30th as well. 

Other than that, my new companion is Elder Young who is 2 meters tall which impresses every single Chinese person you will ever run into haha. He is super cool and I love working with him already. So it will be a very fun transfer. 

We have been helping the sisters in our area as well because they just opened it up and one sister is training so we have been actually looking for people to turn over to them so it isn't as stressful for them to find people to teach and to train. But our ward is super excited for this change. Going from 2 sets of Elders to one set of Elders and one set of Sisters. It is super good. So it will be a fun transfer! 

Elder Gu. 

A picture of me with my new glasses.
 Last day with Elder Vinluan.
 Vanessa and me and my new companion.
 The most savage dude in our ward part 2 (wearing my glasses).
  Members in our ward bought us ice cream because missionaries were leaving our area.  Dor Dor our investigator who will be baptized on Sunday.
Members giving us a Korean BBQ which is super good. You just have to cook all the food yourself. So it is kind of like Bonsai but instead of people cooking for you, you just cook yourself in that pot in the middle.
Me and Elder Siddoway in front of our Light the World bus!!
Hello Everyone!!

So first of all this week was transfer calls. And it was kind of a surprising call. So I will be staying in Ngau Tau Kok. And Elder Vinluan is leaving me to go up to the 上水 which is the closest part to mainland. And then they are shutting down the other companionship of elders in our are and getting sisters and I am going with Elder young who was in the other Ngau Tau Kok companionship. I will be district leader. So that is kind of exciting. 

Then another good part about this week is that I got to go on exchanges with Elder Siddoway. We taught a few lessons and it was a super good day. It was cool because it was the first time in this year and a half where were got to serve together for a day. 

Also Vanessa and Dor Dor are doing super well with their baptismal dates. So far no problems. Looks like they will be baptized this December! 

Also today I have to go pick up my new glasses. So hopefully you guys will be able to recognize me when I get home in August.  

that was pretty much it. 

Elder Gu

Sunday, December 2, 2018



This week has been a very good week. We are have been able to start the 光照世人 process. So we have been trying to show people these videos on the street and then invite them to church. It has been a very interesting process and cool to see. 

Our investigators are doing well. We gave Dor Dor a baptismal date for the 23. And she is really working hard for it. Her only problem is that she doesn't want to give up her tea. In hong kong everybody drinks tea so this is a very very very common problem. Vanessa on the other hand is doing very well. The last time we met with her we were brainstorming some ideas of how we could help her family. So that was super cool to see. 

Other than that we went to a pretty cool family history activity with Dor Dor and she really liked that. She even got to meet our mission president and they taught her more about the word of wisdom. haha. 

Other than that not much happened.  

Elder Gubler 
 A Light the World bus with the LDS church Light the World on it.
  Pday at a Buddhist Temple

 Us with Vanessa
 Me pointing to my character

A building on the other side of our church