Monday, December 25, 2017


Merry Christmas!!

This week has been super busy and I don't have too much more time on here but we have had a lot of meals at members houses this week because of Christmas! They also gave us way too much chocolate! We literally have like 20 bags of candy and noodles! The members are the best!!

WE went to the Poon Choi Festival to do service with our ward and it is a huge festival where they promote assimilating different cultures because Hong Kong is a huge place with many different cultures and people!

We have done a lot of caroling to less active members! Very fun!

I don't have too much more time and this internet cafe doesn't allow pictures so I will send all the pictures next Monday!

I love you all! And I would love to hear from you guys!!

Gu Jeunglouh 

 Christmas Day Skype with Elder Gubler.
 Elder Gubler bearing his testimony in Cantonese.

Christmas Day Skype with Elder Gubler.  We all couldn't wait to see and hear him.
 Elder Gubler and his companions on Christmas Eve (photo courtesy of Brother Tam).

 Josh having a little one on one with Abram on Christmas Eve.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Gamyaht hou ma!

This week has been a very busy week! It started off last Pday! We went and hiked the peak on the Island! It was super cool because the view was amazing and I got to hike it with Elders Frey, Adams, and Hughes who all were in my MTC group! It was super fun talking to them! They are all great guys! It was a super fun hike!

After, on Tuesday, we met with our investigator and he introduced us to his friend who we have now started to teach! We taught the plan of salvation and he really loved it! Later that night we invited him to a dinner that we had with a member and the member shared a very powerful conversion story centered around the Book of Mormon! He said that the Book of Mormon literally kept him out of jail and from going down the wrong path! It was super powerful and because of that this investigator came to church! It had previously been really hard to get him to church too!

The next day we had zone conference in Kowloon Tong which was really good! I learned a lot from it!

Later,on Thursday, we had two meals with members! Since it is close to christmas members have been wanting to feed us all the time! And at one of these meals I got to try a fish that is super famous here but I cant remember the name of it in English haha. It is literally a steamed fish and you eat it with the scales on and everything. It was surprisingly pretty good! And the good news is I am getting better at using chopsticks!

We have done a lot of christmas caroling as well but people don't really listen to us unless we have somthing free to hand out haha. But that is always fun!

Other than that nothing really happened this week! I would just say that the Book of Mormon is true and it really has the power to change people's lives like it did to this member that we met with! IT is very cool to witness this change!

I would love to hear from all of you!

Elder Gubler 
 This is another view from the hike.
 This was at the top of the peak. It is a wax statue of Bruce Lee haha! The guy on the left is named Stanley and he is a less active but loves the missionaries and spends every Pday with the missionaries. He is very funny and really nice!
 More pictures from the hike to the peak.
 This is the view from the Peak! This is Elder Frey who went to Skyline and was in my MTC group! He is an amazing friend and missionary!
 This is the member who shared the extremely powerful Book of Mormon story! Our investigator is on the right side in the middle!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Getting close to Sing Daan Jit (Christmas)
Dim a!

This past week has been pretty busy for us! During this time of the year it is super busy for the mission! We started off the week by going to some history museums last Sing keih yat. It was super cool and I learned a ton about Hong Kong. For example, for fun sometimes they would make 6000 little buns (bread) or baau in Cantonese and then they would make like a 15 foot tall tower with the baau on it and then they would fight each other for the baau that was on the very top. Very funny and cool!

After that we had a normal rest of the week a lot of our investigators were busy in Mainland China this week so we only met with one this week ( Lam Sing Sang or Mr. Lam aka Thomas) and he is super good! He says that the only reason he is still so healthy is because of God and he is doing amazing! We are going to try to extend the baptismal invitation this week!

On Sing keih Saam we went to a wedding of this girl in our ward. She is only 19 years old and her husband is 20 years old but he looks younger than me! But that was super fun because it was a Chinese wedding so it was super cool to she the different traditions!

Then on Sunday we met with a blind person in our ward! she loves the missionaries and has the strongest faith I have ever seen! it is amazing to see her every Sunday! In our Yuen Long ward there are also around 10 people who are deaf and they also love the missionaries so I have had the chance to learn a few Chinese sign language words to communicate with them. they are honestly some of the sweetest people you will ever meet even though they can't speak. It is also really cool to see them in sacrament meeting because they all just sign to each other.

Here are some cultural things:
1) here you call can call elderly males "Suhk suhk" which means uncle and elderly women "pouh pou" which means grandma and you can call the little children "sailouh" which means little brother and the little girls "muih muih" which means little sister. It is super cool because it is like everyone is one big family.

2) It is impolite when you are eating to ask someone to pass the food so you just have to reach over all of the people. and when you are eating you can just spit onto the table. So if there is a bone in the chicken you just eat it and spit it right on to the table haha.  

That is all for this week! i would love to hear how all of you guys are doing!!

Love you all!

Gu Jeunglouh
 This is Mong Kok. In this city you can bargain for pretty nice items. My companion bought a tech wear backpack where you can charge your electronics and has all these super cool electronic gear for 200 HK dollars which is super cheap for American money.
 This is what a street looks like. There are always all these farmer's market things set up everywhere.
 Some of the traditional Chinese clothing.
 This is in the history museum.
 This is a beautiful park in Tin Sau.
 The wedding that I had mentioned.
 Some of the different ranges in wealth.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Leihdeih hou!

This week has been a very good and busy week! To start it off we just started a new transfer, so a little bit of our zone and district have changed. But I am still serving in Yuen Long and still have the same companion!

Last week we were trying really hard to get new investigators in our teaching pool and so we went finding a lot and nothing happened. But this week we miraculously gained 3 (which is a lot in a week for Hong Kong) new investigators! It has been the biggest blessing! and we taught all of them! It was super cool because all of them seem super interested in the church and they all are very different. One is 13 years old that found us on the street and asked us if he could meet with us. Another is  about 22 years old and he is super cool trendy guy that is really sincere about everything and said he would try to move his work schedule so he could come to church one Sunday. and the other is a 75 year old guy that has amazing English and loves to talk to us about Jesus and tell us his life stories! So this week has been really good teaching wise!

Other than that nothing really interesting has been happening. We did our service at Crossroads which is always a very cool experience!

I would love to hear from you all! I hope you have a wonderful week!

Gu Jeunglouh

So this week I have been really working on my tones (Cantonese has 7 tones) so I have been saying this sentence a lot. All the words might look the same but they all sound very different and have very different meanings.

I didn't take any other pictures because I forgot to carry my camera around haha.