Sunday, December 23, 2018

Merry Christmas!

This week has been full of very cool miracles! So to start it off, earlier this week we were invited to go teach a lesson with our investigator Dor Dor at the temple with President and Sister Phillips. She was going to get baptized that Sunday. So, we taught her that the next step after baptism was preparing for the temple. And it was super cool. Sister Phillips made some chili which was super good I haven't had it in so long! Dor Dor loved the chili and keeps asking me about when i can get the recipe from the Phillips. 

Dor Dor also this Sunday got baptized!!! She was super nervous that I would "drowned" her in the baptismal font hahaha but she was just joking with me. It was super cool and her testimony after was also really nice. The first time we met her was on my birthday in October and she explained the whole process she went through from that point until now and it was super cool to hear it from her perspective. 

Vanessa also talked to her parents about baptism. They got in an argument and we don't want to ruin her family relationship haha. So we told her we could move her baptismal date back and she said she wanted to keep it for now because she wants to talk to her parents again. She is super solid! 

We will be having a big mission conference on the 26th. It's an all day thing for the whole mission which will be super cool. 

We also got invited over to our Bishops house for dinner. It was super good and they have such a solid family. The bishop was really really impressed with the work that we have been doing. So it was really nice to be talking with him about that because normally he is really busy working. 

That is pretty much it. 

Elder Gubler
 The meal we had with the mission president and our investigator haha
 Dor Dor at her baptism!
An after baptism picture haha a member was painting the nails of everyone so we all got our nails painted.
 Another baptismal picture because there were 2 baptisms on Sunday and it was all super cool!
 A picture of our investigators kids. They are super cute.
 Our Christmas picture!
 At our Bishop's house.
 More Christmas pictures with Dor Dor.

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