Monday, August 21, 2017

Hello everyone! The first week has been pretty rough. The day I arrived I was so nervous to leave my family and my friends. We got there and there was like no time to say goodbye. I got out of the car hugged my family and then they pushed me off to go to class.

The first class they took me to was my language class. My teacher only spoke cantonese to us and I had no idea what he was saying. And so far, I have never heard my teacher speak english to us and we have been together for about 5 hours each day. I am still not very good at the language. 

One the second day we had to teach an investigator all in cantonese. This took me by suprise because the only words i knew how to say was: fuhng yeusou geiduk ge mihng amuyn (in the name of Jesus Christ amen.) So we had to teach her and we basically prayed for the gift of tongues and then marched in there and tried to speak to her in cantonese. We read out of the books so we knew what we were saying but when she replied, my companion and i would just stare at each other blankly because we had no idea what she was saying. 

My companion is Elder Nesbit. He is honestly so chill. I love him. I couldn't have asked for a better companion. He knows how to have a good time but he also knows when its time to crack down and to work hard and study. Which is something that I like. 

The next few days we went to meetings about the people and purpose which taught us to love the people we teach and the purpose of going on a mission which was really cool. 

On Sunday we had to write talks because they randomly call on missionaries from all the chinese zones to speak during sacrement meeting. But luckily i didn't get called on to talk. Sunday felt really long and it was like church but for like 7 hours. We had none stop meetings which were spiritual but by the end of the day I was ready to go home. 

Sleeping is hard because my sleep schedule is so messed up. Before i left i would go to bed at around 2-3 in the morning and wake up at 10. But now its way different. so i got to get used to that. 

I love you all so much and i would love for you all to email me about anything that would help so much for my homesickness.  

Elder Gubler​

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