Monday, January 15, 2018

Busy Busy
This week has been a pretty busy week! We just barely finished out transfer and got new transfer calls but I am staying in Yuen Long with the same companion. It was pretty interesting though because one Elder from our apartment finished his mission and went home. It was really spiritual to hear what he had to say about his mission experience and how it has changed him. It was also really sad to see him go because he was a very good friend!

This week we helped our investigator (Lam Sin Sang) move into his new home which is basically just a shack with a room that is just big enough for one person. They call these types of homes coffin homes because they will only fit one person. It was super cool but our investigator was still thrilled to have us help him and after that he came with us and toured the chapel of the Hung Seui Kiuh church building. He was impressed with how reverent it was. I could tell he felt something different! We will continue to meet with him.

We also tried to meet with more less actives this week but most of them didn't show up which was kind of chaam batgwo mouh mahntaih. We will just keep trying to meet with them later because they really need the strengthening and encouragement!

Oh and last pday we went bowling with Elder Siddoway and it was super fun. I didn't think China had any American bowling allies but this bowling alley is exactly like the Olympus bowling lanes back at home even with American music! It was super fun to see Douh Jeunglouh and to listen to American music!

Other than that we didn't have taai yeh. we also did start up a new kids English class which will be fun to teach because Chinese kids are super energetic!

Thats all folks. I would love to hear from you all!

Gu Jeung louh 
 This is the only picture I had this week and it was of bowling.

 This is when we met with our investigator at McDonald's. McDonald's is a pretty common place to meet with investigators here.

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