Sunday, February 11, 2018

Almost Chinese New Year
Leih hou

This week has been a great week. So last Monday we ate at a really nice Chinese breakfast place and it was super fun. A bunch of Chinese old ladies were super shocked that a bunch of white boys could speak Cantonese so they took like 5 pictures with us!

On Tuesday we had zone lunch and zone meeting! After we did a zone find in Tin Shui Wai, I went with Elder Hayden (a Mandarin missionary) for this find. I love Elder Hayden. During this finding time it was super cool because Elder Hayden would speak Mandarin to the people we talked to and they would reply and I would have no idea what they were saying. And then I would speak Cantonese to them and they would reply to me in Cantonese and Elder Hayden wouldn't know what they were saying. It was super fun working with Elder Hayden in Mandarin and Cantonese to try to bring people to know the Lord! It actually worked out because people would want to talk to us because we could speak both Cantonese and Mandarin so people were really impressed and would stop to talk to us!

On Wednesday we did out classic Cross Roads Service and then had ward Correlation with our ward mission leader.

On Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Jepsen in his area (Tin Shui Wai). It was really fun! We taught his investigator who had a baptismal date and then we went with the Mandarin Missionaries to give a tour of the chapel to a family. And then we taught English class.

On Saturday we were had scheduled around 4 potential investigators to meet with us but they all called to reschedule because they all said they had Chinese new year stuff they needed to do which kind of sucked because we were really looking forward for Saturday!

This Sunday I went on exhanges with the Mandarin Elder Hayden to his church which was also really fun! And then went back to my area and our church leader scheduled all 4 of the Yuen Long Elders to give a talk next week for church because it is Chinese new year and no one will be at church so they are only doing an hour or church so all of us have to speak.

That was it for this week.

Elder Gubler

 This is the park we went finding in with Elder Hayden.
 This is what a school in China looks like.
 This is the alley where we get our haircuts.
This is Elder Jepsen in front of a Chinese new year thing.

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