Monday, May 14, 2018

mouh chan jit fai lohk


I just wanted to say happy mothers day to the best mom in the world (my mom)! Thank you for all that you have done for me! I really look up to you with all my heart!! 

This week I got transfer calls and i will be staying in Yuen Long!! I am pretty happy  about it! This week we got to do a mini MTC with our ward! It was just really fun we got to pretend to do investigators and then ward members would do a role play with us! It was over all really spiritual! 

I can't remember too much of what happened because I forgot my journal. I am sorry but we spent a lot of time with our less active (Hilary) and we got 3 investigators at church which was really good! 

I would love to hear from all of you! 

Elder Gu 

This picture is just for my mom! I love you mom so much! I hope you like this picture!! ​Because you're the best mom out there!!
​​Language study with Hilary.  And this is what we had to wear for the mini mtc.
 Picking out our Samsung phones.
 The buffet before transfers.
Us skyping in this crappy internet cafe!

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