Sunday, October 7, 2018



So this week one of the investigators that I taught for a few month when I first got to NTK named Rebekah finally got baptized this week! She asked if I could give a talk about the Holy Ghost in her baptism activity. When we were teaching her she was really intrigued with the Holy Ghost. So we spent a few lessons talking about the Holy Ghost. And then she asked me to give a talk about it for her baptism which was super cool! She has changed a lot.  That was probably the biggest highlight of the week. 

This week we also had a zone find in our area and it had some miracles because in the zone find Lam's brother Ben was found. And we have been trying to get Lam to invite her brother for a long time to meet with us and then we found in him a zone find which was a huge miracle! It was super cool so I am hoping we can meet them together. It just shows that Heavenly Father really has a plan for all families! 

The investigators are doing really well. Sam's mom wont let him come to church but he can still meet with him so we have just been meeting him once a week and helping him out. Then Vanessa is doing really well as well. We weren't able to meet with her this week because she had been super busy. 

And then another miracle that happened is that someone that we have kind of stopped teaching because he can never meet he is always too busy finally got a day off on Sunday and texted us out of the blue and said he could come to church. So we were really happy that Sunday when he came to church! 

This gospel is full of miracles if you are ready for them and if you are watching for them. It has been super cool to see. I love helping the people here. I really enjoy Chinese and the culture that goes along with it! 

That is pretty much all for this week. 

Elder Gu

 More pictures from our hike. One of them Elder Siddoway almost fell off the cliff haha

 Plus a guy smoking a huge bong made out of bamboo and that guy is like 90 years old hahaha

This kid was super adorable. I started talking to his mom. And she wanted us to take a picture with her kid because we were white and could speak Chinese
 This is Rebekah who got baptized!
From Sister Phillips: "Thought you might enjoy these pictures of Elder Gubler.  We love Elder Gubler.  He is a fine young man and a great missionary.  We are so blessed to have him in the Hong Kong Mission.  Sincerely, Sister Phillips"

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