Monday, October 15, 2018

General Conference


This week was a very good week. So we got to go to the temple this week on Thursday. and we went to the Chinese session. It was pretty cool because they gave us translating things but I just listened to it in Chinese. It was really cool because it was all in written Chinese instead of spoken so that made it a little harder to understand. But I still understood most of it! 

We have been meeting with our progressing investigators and Vanessa came to General conference. The spiritual experience I had this week was with Vanessa. She came to General Conference on Saturday and then she had to go tutor a kid and then she wanted to have us teach her so we met with her again that night and taught her the commandments (follow the Prophet, read scriptures, and pray). And she had no problems. But then the spiritual experience was when I asked her if she had thought any more about baptism and she said she feels like shes still not ready and I asked why and she told us that she feels like she doesn't have enough faith. Then in her prayer she prayed sincerely about baptism and asked Heavenly Father to help her get baptized faster and to be prepared faster. I was super impressed. And I felt the spirit super strong in her prayer. We just need to stay in contact with her and keep helping her develop the faith required for baptism. I am super excited to help her!   

Lam is super solid! she is teaching us the lessons now just to review and so it is really fun to go meet with her and then just listen to her teach us haha. We just go and help her if she needs help when she is teaching us haha. 

Other than that the week was super good! my companion is still trying to learn english and Chinese so that is pretty cool trying to help him with both. He is very hard working! 

that is pretty much it. 我知道呢間教會係真實

This picture is some old guy that we talked to while we were finding. He was obsessed with his dog. haha
 I ran into my Bishop from my last area (Yuen Long) in my new area (NTK) . He is the coolest bishop out there. In my last area there are now three languages spoken in church: Cantonese, Tagalog, and Chinese sign language.
 Temple day
Us at a member's house for dinner on Sunday night.
 More destruction from the typhoon.

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