Sunday, April 28, 2019


This week has been super fun! We started it off by going hiking with my recent convert from my last area and a few other people from my last area. It was super fun to see him and the others that i taught! 

Elder Siddoway and I have been working really hard too. Every day pretty much just in the streets of 粉嶺 looking for new people to teach. And on one of these days we happened to run into an person we knew in our ward that got baptized 3 years ago. We talked to him and he had some of the coolest experiences that I have heard on my entire mission. It was honestly just amazing and we really felt like the Lord had led us to meet him and help him out. It was honestly most amazing.

Later this week one investigator named Yao Ming invited us over to his house and we met his wife and he cooked us some way weird Chinese things and we ate and it was a good time we even got to share about families! It was super cool and he loves coming to our English class. He made us eat the fish eyeballs of the fish he cooked haha 

We met another person named Vincent and he is just a classic high school kid except for he is a bit older. And he has way long hair haha. He is super cool and he is just looking for a bit of direction in life so we are trying to help him out with that.

Also this week we had a family home evening after church on Sunday and that was super fun! Ate some really good food and then we shared a message and a played a small game which was really funny but fun! 

That is pretty much it. I have learned quite a lot on my mission. It has been interesting to see how I have changed. Elder Siddoway and I were talking about it this week but I feel like my personality is still the same but the way I think about things has changed. Just the way I view things and the way I see others. It has really been a change for the good so I am very thankful for my Heavenly Father to help me over come some pride and to change. 

That is pretty much all haha. 

Elder 古.


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