Monday, September 25, 2017

Leih hou!

I hope everyone has been doing really well this past week! I have been doing pretty well! The language is still hard but I am slowly learning more and more. I try to learn around 20-30 words each day! It is very hard because a lot of the words are spelled the exact same but have different tones and mean completely different things. I have a little journal that I write down all my words in and its starting to become pretty big! I can only still talk about gospel related terms so it is very hard to understand what people are saying about their lives because I only know church words. But, I have continued to pray multiple times a day to be able to understand and speak the language. And I know that with hard work and trusting the Lord, I will be able to understand and speak Cantonese!

My week started off pretty great! On Tuesday we got to hear from Elder Cook which was really spiritual! He bore his testimony at the end and I cannot describe how I felt! So that was really sweet! After that everything seemed to be going really well! We taught our investigators and we asked one if they would be baptized and he said yes! So we have set a date for him to be baptized on October 13th! That was a really cool experience even though the investigator we teach is our teacher just role playing as an investigator! 

Tonight we teach our first Skype TRC lesson which is where we get to Skype someone that is in Hong Kong and teach them a 30-40 minute lesson! I am very excited about this but also kind of nervous for how it is going to go. I am afraid that I won't be able to understand the member but I know through the help of the Lord and the spirit I won't need to be able to understand the language very well; the spirit will be doing the teaching. 

Funny story of the week: on Sunday we get to watch gospel movies and to get to he good movies we have to sprint from the devotional to the movie building. We were with Elder Newsome and his companion Elder Brown who is a big guy and after the devotional Elder Brown sprinted as fast as he could to get to the movie and when we got there we didn't know what movie we were in so he stood up and yelled "EVERYBODY LISTEN." And the whole room went quiet out of fear because Elder Brown can be pretty intimidating if you don't know him. Then he said "what movie is this?" in a really soft funny loving voice and everyone just broke out laughing! 

This week Elder Newsome left for Guatemala which I was pretty sad about because we have known each other ever since we were way young, but I know he will be a great missionary! Guatemala is lucky to be getting him and Elder Brown!

Well Let me know how you all are doing! I enjoy hearing from all of you! Let me know how the sports teams are doing! I love getting those updates!

Ngoh ngoi leihdeih (Love you all) 

Gu Jeunglouh

 Elder Brown (Elder Newsome's companion)
 Elder Newsome the night before he left
 When it almost started snowing here (Featuring Elder Siddoway)
 ​​The Cantonese to English Book of Mormon
 The Cantonese Hymn Book
​A few of the other Elders in my district! (Elder Paulsin on the left and Elder Frey on the right)

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